
This module is a wrapper to argparse module. Its goal is to generate a custom and advanced command-line from a formatted dictionary. As python dictionnaries are easily exportable to configuration files (like YAML or JSON), the idea is to outsource the command-line definition to a file instead of writing dozens or hundreds lines of code.

Almost everything available with argparse module is possible with this module. This include:

  • use of builtins,
  • parsers with both options, arguments and subparsers,
  • no limit for the arborescence of subparsers,
  • use of groups and exclusive groups,
  • ...

For some complex behaviour, some additional checks have been implemented.

It also may be nice to have the list of subparsers/options/arguments ordered when printing the help. The OrderedDict object from the collection module allow this. JSON module has an option (object_pairs_hook) for using it. For YAML, you can use the module yamlorderedictloader.


This module is compatible with python 2.7 and python 3+. It is on PyPi so you can use the pip command for installing it. If you use YAML for your configuration file, you need to install the pyyaml module too (and yamlordereddictloader for ordered configuration). json module is a standard module since python2.7.

For example, to use clg with YAML in a virtualenv:

$ virtualenv env/ --prompt "(myprog)"
$ . ./env/bin/activate
(myprog) $ pip install pyyaml yamlordereddictloader clg


The version of python in the virtualenv depend of your system. Some systems like archlinux have two commands (virtualenv for python3 and virtualenv2 for python2), others only have one command. In all case using the -p option for indicating the python executable must work (but, evidently, the python version you want must be installed in the system):

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.3 env/ --prompt "(myprog)"

Otherwise sources are on github


The main program is very simple. You need to import the necessaries modules (clg and the modules for loading the configuration from a file). Then, you initialize the CommandLine with the dictionary containing the configuration. The last step is calling the parse method for parsing the arguments. This method returns in all case the arguments of the command-line but, if there is an execute section for the command, this will be executed first. The arguments are returned in a Namespace object inheriting from argparse object but with additionals methods (__getitem__, __setitem__ and __iter__) for making it iterable and access arguments both with attributes or list syntax.


Configuration file:

        short: f
        help: Foo help.
        short: b
        help: Bar help.

Python program:

import clg
import yaml
import yamlordereddictloader

cmd_conf = yaml.load(open('cmd'), Loader=yamlordereddictloader.Loader)
cmd = clg.CommandLine(cmd_conf)
args = cmd.parse()
print("Namespace object: %s" % args)
print("Namespace attributes: %s" % vars(args))
print("Iter arguments:")
for arg, value in args:
    print("  %s: %s" % (arg, value))
print("Access 'foo' option with attribute syntax: %s" % args.foo)
print("Access 'foo' option with list syntax: %s" % args['foo'])


# python prog.py --help
usage: prog.py [-h] [-f FOO] [-b BAR]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -f FOO, --foo FOO  Foo help.
  -b BAR, --bar BAR  Bar help

# python prog.py -f foo -b bar
Print Namespace object: Namespace(bar='bar', foo='foo')
Print Namespace attributes: {'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'}
Iter arguments:
  foo: foo
  bar: bar
Access 'foo' option with attribute syntax: foo
Access 'foo' option with list syntax: foo


Configuration file:

{"options": {"foo": {"short": "f",
                     "help": "Foo help."},
             "bar": {"short": "b",
                     "help": "Bar help."}}}

Python program:

import clg
import json
from collections import OrderedDict

cmd_conf = json.load(open('cmd'), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
cmd = clg.CommandLine(cmd_conf)
args = cmd.parse()
print("Namespace object: %s" % args)
print("Namespace attributes: %s" % vars(args))
print("Iter arguments:")
for arg, value in args:
    print("  %s: %s" % (arg, value))
print("Access 'first' option with attribute syntax: %s" % args.first)
print("Access 'first' option with list syntax: %s" % args['first'])


Same as before.